matsumoto katsuhiro / 松本勝大
96年よりプロミュージシャンとしてのキャリアをスタート。コーラスグループ、バンド、ソロ、ユニットといった様々な形態で活動を重ね、04年1stアルバム「NEW AGE UN SOUL」でデビュー。2ndアルバム「Mellow Yellow」のスマッシュヒットをきっかけに全国ツアーやイベント、フェスなど数多く出演。07年には自主レーベルROCK DESIGN WORKSを立ち上げ、アーティストとしての活動範囲を拡げていく。現在もマイペースながら、飽くなき探究心を持って活動中。
Started his career as a professional musician in 1996. He has been active in various forms such as chorus groups, bands, solos, and units, and made his debut with the 1st album “New Age Un Soul” in 2004. With the smash hit of his 2nd album “Mellow Yellow”, he has appeared on many national tours, events and festivals. In 2007, he launched his own label, ROCK DESIGNW WORKS, to expand his range of activities as an artist. Even now, at his own pace, he is active with an insatiable spirit of inquiry.